ICW cruisers can take advantage of both Bob’s Tracks and Argo’s autorouting for multiple recommended routes on the ICW
Some of the most interesting cruising you will ever do in the United States is the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) which is a series of sheltered, linked rivers and “cuts” that run from Norfolk, VA to Brownsville, TX. ICW cruising is very popular in the fall as boaters head south for the winter, and then again in the spring as boaters head back north.
Argo’s navigation app can take you there, but even with its advanced features and autorouting, there are areas of the trip where the bottom is always shifting and shoaling. One such notorious place is Hell Gate, just south of Savannah, GA.
Wouldn’t it be great to be able to slip onto the well-tread path that countless cruisers follow to find the deeper water in areas of known shoaling?
That’s where the work of Robert Sherer comes in (AKA, Bob423). Bob is a retired IBM engineer who has been cruising the ICW, mostly from Norfolk to Florida, and literally wrote the book on it. Every year, he shares his “Bob’s Tracks” in GPX format so that other cruisers can study where this veteran of the waterway safely traverses these known trouble spots.
Using Argo Premium’s new routes and tracks display feature, you can now load tracks, like Bob’s, and present them side by side with a route in Argo – giving you the greatest visibility of recommended tracks all in one app!
Simply import the GPX tracks file and then choose to display them on the chart. They will stay on the chart as long as you have them “turned on” in the Routes/Tracks settings in Map Options within the Argo app.
This is an amazing new Premium feature that we are excited to bring to Argo. We thank Bob for his tireless efforts to make cruising the ICW safe and fun, and we hope that our users will find all kinds of creative ways to use routes and tracks in Argo.